How To Recharge Telkom Airtime

Telkom is the biggest voice and data network in South Africa, with the largest subscriber base. Recharging your prepaid lines is very important because that is how subscribers can communicate; and also because subscribers may choose to convert their airtime to data which is equally important these days. Convenience is very important because if subscribers cannot recharge easily then they cannot communicate effectively.

As a world-class communications company, Telkom is well aware of the need to make recharging as easy as possible, and so they have created several easy ways to top up your lines so that you never have to run out of airtime to make business or personal calls.

The following paragraphs contain information about the several ways to recharge your Telkom lines.

How To Recharge Telkom Airtime

Buy Airtime on the Telkom App

Telkom users can buy airtime on the Telkom App. In order to do this, you have to first download the Telkom app from the Google play store, or from Apple IOS, depending on which mobile phone system you use.

After downloading and installing the app, the next step would be to register on it.

After that, you have to log in with your details and then view the options. You will be shown various options including those to buy data and airtime.

Since you want to buy airtime, you have to select the option to buy airtime.

After that, you will be directed to confirm the purchase, after which the airtime will be transferred onto your mobile line.

Recharge Telkom Via USSD Code

The USSD code is the oldest and most used method of recharging mobile lines, not only on the Telkom network but on all networks.

The first step is to buy the airtime voucher from the vendors. There are so many airtime vendors scattered all over every community. You walk to a vendor and then you purchase any amount of airtime you want. The voucher is basically a set of numbers containing the airtime value.

After buying the voucher then you proceed to dial *188*voucher pin# and then press send. The exact value of the voucher you purchased will be uploaded onto your line.

A further benefit of this method is that you can always keep the voucher for later.

Purchase Airtime on the Website

The Telkom website is more than just a company brand; it also has a self-service area with interesting features including buying airtime and data. All you have to do is visit the website and register. The option to register is at the top right-hand corner of the website. If you have already registered then just log in with your details.

Once you log in you will be shown several options such as managing your subscriptions and buying airtime and data. You just click on the option to buy airtime.

You then choose the amount of airtime you wish to buy, and then confirm the order. you will then be credited with the exact value.

Buying Directly From Your Bank

Another option currently available is to buy airtime directly from your bank. You can do this by using your bank app or online banking website, or even from an ATM machine. You may then select the airtime recharge option from the list of options shown. You will then be asked to select your phone network, you should then select Telkom.

Then you will be asked to input your mobile number, and also to select the airtime value you wish to purchase. The next step is to confirm the order, which includes selecting the account from which the money will be deducted.

When you have completed the step above the airtime amount will be credited onto your line, and your bank account will be debited accordingly.

Virtual Top Ups

Virtual top-ups are very similar to vouchers because they require you to visit vendors. However, in this case, you just tell the vendor how much airtime you wish to buy, and supply your phone number, then the vendor will top your line. You get an SMS notifying you of the purchase, and in some cases, the vendor may print out a receipt for the purchase.

Virtual top-ups save time and energy because you don’t have to go through the agony of inputting wrong recharge pins when trying to recharge your line. Furthermore, virtual top-ups are convenient, because if you are a regular customer of a vendor you may just call over and have him or her credit your line and then pay later.

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