Nursing Colleges in Polokwane (2023)

List Of Nursing Colleges In Polokwane. Polokwane is a city in South Africa, located in Limpopo Province (the Province’s capital). It used to be known as Pietersburg before the change in name, and it remains one of the most important cities in South Africa. If you are aspiring to become a nurse, and you desire to be trained in a nursing school in Polokwane, here are nursing colleges in the region that you can go for:

Nursing Colleges In Polokwane

  • Limpopo College Of Nursing

Full Address Of The Institution: 34 Hans Van Rensburg St, Polokwane Central, Polokwane, 0699, South Africa
Tel. Contact: +27 15 291 1120

  • Saint Ignatius College

Full Address Of The Institution: 52 Kerk St, Polokwane Central, Polokwane, 0700, South Africa

Tel. Contact: +27 15 291 2750

  • Jeppe College

Full Address Of The Institution: Cnr. Rob & Church St, Polokwane, 0699, South Africa

Tel. Contact: +27 15 291 5707

  • Raidhi Nursing School

Full Address Of The Institution: 54 land rose Mare Street, Polokwane Central, Polokwane, 0700, South Africa

Tel Contact: +27 81 355 5019

  • Atti Polokwane

Full Address Of The Institution: 2 20th St, Polokwane Ext 3, Polokwane, 0700, South Africa

Tel Contact: +27 15 297 2711

  • Arma Nursing Agency

Full Address Of The Institution: Polokwane Central, Polokwane, 0699, South Africa

Tel Contact: +27 15 297 8071

  • Emcare College

Full Address Of The Institution: Polokwane St, Polokwane, South Africa

Steps To Become A Registered Nurse In South Africa

Indeed, anyone can put one or two things together today and will start referring to themselves as a nurse. But then, for such, their operations and activities as regards the profession, are illegal, and they will be severely punished when caught. So, to become a registered nurse in the country (which will allow you to practice the profession legally), here are steps you should take:

  1. First and foremost, you are to enroll at a nursing school that is accredited by the SA Nursing Council. This is the body that regulates the nursing profession in South Africa, and you can check things out via
    When you are sure it is an accredited one, you can take steps to obtain an application form from your desired nursing institution.
  2. You will go through lots of training in the school no doubt. When you are done and have graduated from school, you are to partake in a year of mandatory community service before you are officially allowed to enter the workforce.

It should also be added that once you are done with your studies, your school will send a Certificate of Completion to the SANC, and you are expected to register with the SA Nursing Council.

Now, let’s talk about registering with the SA Nursing Council. It is very important that you register with the body before you start doing anything, as they are the ones backed by the law to certify that you are a legally trained and certified nurse.

Here are the things you will present to get registered:

  1. – You need to submit Proof of identity
  2. – You need a Certificate of good character and standing
  3. – You need to present proof of your qualifications
  4. – You must pay the Prescribed registration fee

N.B: Any other thing you are to submit will be communicated to you in clear terms by the management of the body.

Is that all? No! There is one more thing. Before being officially embraced, you are to take Finally, the SANC-administered nursing exam that fits with the specific qualification you are after. The body deemed it fit to confirm your competence, as it is a reliable body that must continue to uphold its standard. So, when you decide on what you want, visit the body’s website and see the exam schedule. Make sure you are adequately prepared, so you can pass easily and get welcomed to the profession.

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